Canada needs a brain research strategy

Canada needs a brain research strategy

Human beings are complex organisms. Biologically, the structure of the human brain is very complex in the Universe. It contains a large network of cells known as neurons. There exist billions of neurons in the brain and trillions of links or connections between them, which control all functions of the body including feelings, thoughts, bodily movements, fright and flight mechanism, etc.

Regardless of substantial advancements in the last couple of decades, scientists and research scholars argue that we have still very limited understanding of this complex structure. In Canada, mental and neurological disorders cost more than $61 billion annually including indirect and direct costs. A deepened intellectual capacity or comprehension is important to enhance the overall well-being of people in Canada. Therefore, Canada needs a comprehensive research strategy in the field of neurology.

The entire world appreciates Canada for its substantial contribution in the field of scientific research. The country has hundreds of research organizations that focus exclusively on mental health and neuroscience research. The primary ambition of these research centers is the establishment of neurological knowledge as one of the greatest domains of scientific research strength.

In addition, the country boasts a number of pan-Canadian networks and consortia emphasizing the research domains of movement disorders, traumatic brain injuries, neuro-degeneration strokes, autism, depression, anxiety, neurodevelopmental disorders, epigenetics, and mental health.

Despite all the efforts in research and experimental studies, experts believe that Canada is lacking a national research strategy for neurology. Consequently, Canadians scientists are not taking full advantages of their current expertise. The implementation of a brain strategy will increase cooperation and collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and other professional service providers. It will not only increase the process of developing and distributing significant neurological tools but also enhance data sharing, which will allow scientists to join the global efforts in neurological research activities. Likewise, it will accelerate the speed of discoveries, evidence-based findings, and solutions to contemporary brain disorders. In this regard, scientists, doctors, and health scholars can implement a better health strategy for integrated care towards patients.

Brain research strategy

The design and implementation of the brain research strategy cannot be accomplished through investments only. Canada needs a significant cultural shift in adopting innovative approaches in the area of brain research. It is all about how they approach the neurological research. The scientific review broad of Canada recommends a significant increase in budgets for the institutions such as “The Natural Sciences and Engineering Council,” “The Canadian Institutes of Health Research,” and “Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council.”

People belonging to the scientific societies have acknowledged this recommendation. They enthusiastically support the commendation, as it will effectively increase private-public funding associations for maximum impacts. With a united effort as well as meaningful investments in neurology, scientific decision-makers,clinicians, and researchers in all occupations will be better fitted out for responding to urgent necessities of thirty-six million citizens in Canada.